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Online store audit

As a result, we will tell you how to achieve maximum
financial returns from your online store
Online store audit order the service

It’s hard to imagine a business that isn’t on the Internet. It is much easier to imagine a business that earns little on the Internet. You sell through the website, social networks, contextual advertising – all channels are engaged, and the profit is minimal. Few orders, a minimum percentage of repeat sales, and an average receipt generated from a single item in the shopping cart make the reality that many online entrepreneurs find themselves in.

The reasons for low sales can sometimes be seen with the naked eye, they lie on the surface and everyone who develops websites can spot them. But most often, the problem is not only in the content or speed of the site.

Imagine a snowball that started out as a small one on top of a mountain and became huge when it reached its foot. A chain of small things and details that you didn’t notice before can reduce the conversion rate on your site.

You want to take it to the next level and keep up with your competitors who have already advanced and are growing. However, you are better at running a business than creating online stores, so attempts to correct the situation on your own may fail to lead to success.

Remember what you do when the washing machine stops working – you call a specialist. The same is here: when your website is not selling, we recommend that you contact professionals who have been creating and improving online stores and marketplaces for decades, and help entrepreneurs earn money.

The Online Store Audit Service is one of the most effective in terms of ROI (return on investment), because for relatively little money, you can quickly understand where exactly you lose sales or why your competitor is overtaking you.

The goals we can achieve by auditing an online store:

  • Identifying flaws in the website design and functionality, which may negatively affect user experience;
  • Understanding how users interact with the website, which pages they visit and what features they use more often, and identifying the reasons why users may opt out of purchases;
  • Identifying areas that can be optimized to improve the overall user experience on the website;
  • Understanding whether the website design and functionality meet current trends and UX standards;
  • Analyzing customer preferences (what they like and what can be improved in the store and its products);
  • Analyzing the sales funnel by studying key pages on the customer’s path until an order is placed;
  • Analyzing customer contact points (feedback forms, phone numbers, and email addresses) to make sure they are easily accessible and functioning correctly;

To achieve these goals, we carry out an in-depth analysis of:

  • All text and visual content (logic, readability, correct display of images and videos, conformity of the content to the purpose of pages);
  • How effectively you promote your unique selling point across the entire sales funnel;
  • Customer’s entire path, from the first interaction to placing an order, to track all possible purchase scenarios;
  • Pages that are involved in user stories;
  • All website resolutions: from mobile to desktop versions;
  • Structural elements: whether navigation is clear, whether sections are arranged in a user-friendly manner, and whether filters and links work correctly;
  • Technical parameters: download and display speed on various devices, cross-browser compatibility, functionality of all elements.

After the audit, we will provide you with detailed conclusions indicating the most problematic areas that require prompt interference, as well as possible solutions. We will create an individual step-by-step implementation plan that will help you not to scatter your efforts, but to solve problems according to their priority level. 

Our experience in e-commerce makes it possible to quickly and efficiently optimize any online store in order to get the maximum financial return from it. We researched more than a million user sessions in 50 different segments, in more than 100 stores.

In our work, we rely on research by the Nielsen Norman Group (a global leader in research-based user experience) to understand how users interact with the interface, how they perceive it, how they think, what they pay attention to, and what causes them to reject it. We follow the latest research trends to keep up to date with all the latest innovations.

Our hypotheses, regardless of whether you implement them yourself or with our help, are highly likely to increase the financial return on your online project. We are so confident in our skills and experience that we can guarantee the result and are ready to return the money if your online store does not have positive dynamics after implementation.


х 2

Over the past 3 years, the online store has been a twofold increase in income


The company’s online store has surpassed all of its offline outlets in terms of turnover and profit

Online store audit
x 8

increase in the transaction rate after project launch

+ 110%

increase in the number of website users

Online store audit
+ 48%

increase in the transaction rate after project launch

+ 27%

increase in the sales conversion rate

RetroMagaz Case Sense Production Agency
+ 34%

increase in organic traffic conversion rate


decrease in bounce rate

Online store audit
+ 32%

Increased organic traffic conversion rate

+ 42%

The number of transactions has increased (we compared statistics a year before and after the launch of all new functions)

Online store audit
For those who want to make a project

    A little about your business:
    1. What do you plan? Describe in your own words what your goals and objectives are.
    2. What are the deadlines? Are there scheduled start and end dates? Is there a clear deadline or flexible deadlines?
    3. Is there a planned budget for the project? Write down your budget scope or the exact amount you are willing to allocate in $
    4. How old is your business?
    If you have a file with additional information, you can attach it here :)


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